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Reviews & Testimonials
Since I started doing my therapy, I have not taken my blood pressure medication. Today I decided to drive to the clinic where I get my medication. When they checked my blood pressure it was perfect; on the spot. It was even better than the times when I was taking the tablets.
8 months later: I would like to share with you how your therapy worked for me, and today I have the results from the MRI which they finally did to me after over a year. Remember no hospital nor doctor had administered any medication even when I was in such a critical situation as they said unless they know what's going on with the liver. Thank God Stanley told me about you. I am sure you remember I came to you weak, dark, yellow eyes and body very thin. You saw me and talked words of hope. As I went with my therapy I started feeling like a life again. When I finished my sessions I felt I was recovering very well within a few following months my eyes were completely white, my skin went back to being very light and I was feeling really well. Now a week ago one doctor managed to book me for an MRI and I got my results yesterday and I am sure you will understand the language better than me but the little I got excited me. My wife even said as soon as I sort out my finances we should be back to Trace because that's the person who gave your life back. I am so thankful to God for you. I owe my life.
Prince Khumalo - Holistically Yours Patient
I started seeing Tracy in October 2016 when my left forefoot’s circulation cut off due to a clot. The foot unfortunately became gangrenous & I began my treatment in order to stop the gangrene spreading to my whole foot & to assist with keeping inflammation & infection under control. Ozone halted the spread of the gangrene & in February 2017 I only had to have my forefoot amputated. Due to my medical conditions of SLE, Scleroderma & Vasculitis I needed to have numerous debridements & bone removals. Every time a debridement was done or that a bone needed to be removed the doctors were unable to find any infection & that is completely due to having continuous Ozone Therapy with Tracy. The debridement’s & bone removals were due to Vasculitis & poor healing ability. It has taken 5 long years of healing & the wound is finally closed. I also suffered from ongoing antibiotic resistant bladder infections & after only 3 months of Ozone treatment for bladders I have not suffered another to date. I can only say thank you to Tracy & the amazing treatments she offers as I do believe without Ozone Therapy I would have lost my entire foot & that I would still be struggling with constant bladder infections. I highly recommend Tracy, she is professional, thorough & such a caring Therapist.
(5 Star Rating *****)
Mandy Morrison - Holistically Yours Patient
I had chronic headache since 2005 and always had to take about 8 to 12 pain killers and headache powders each day. After I did a number of Ozone therapy sessions I am now living a normal life. Previously I consulted several doctors who referred me for X-rays and to specialists but to no avail. I did not get any relief until my fiancé referred me to the Ohen Group. I only went for 3 sessions in May this year and I have experienced incredible results. After the third session the headache was completely gone.
Mary - Ohen Group Patient
I am very pleased to inform you that ever since I started using the “Ohen 1 Medical Ozone Machine” my life has improved a lot, I feel much healthier and younger. Before I started using the ozone machine regularly at home I used to have stomachaches and ulcers frequently. Secondly I used to catch flu easily because I work in cold conditions most of the time, but since I started using the ozone machine I never visit a doctor or use any medication like aspirin, anti-acid, cough syrups or anything. I mean I have never been sick in any way since starting with ozone. I have not had flu, stomachahce, common cold or even a mild headache. But I am still using the ARV’s. All my vital organs are excellent says my doctor, meaning the liver, the kidneys and other organs that may be affected by ARV’s.
My viral load was below 40copies/ml and my CD4 count rose by 148 over a period of 3 months.
I don’t feel like an HIV patient anymore.
John - Ohen Group Patient
Firstly we would like to give you our sincere and deepest thanks for the wonderful way in which you have handled me in my condition after a number of chemotherapy and radiation sessions- these left me weakened and sick and depressed and in pain. The oncologist said she is not able to treat me any longer. Your kind and gentle way of dealing with me and explaining to my family how your Ozone therapy works was so encouraging and gave us hope.
I am now in such better health and the quality of my life is greatly changed – I feel well and have a new spring in my step. My family have been so impressed by the change in me that we can only advocate the Ozone Therapy treatment for all conditions even my very sceptical Oncologist has told me to continue with the treatment as she is amazed at the difference in me.
We are so impressed that we will be purchasing an Ozone treatment machine from you as soon as we can so that we can continue with treatment at home and for all the family.
We can only say be blessed in this work that you do and continue to change people’s lives with your Ozone Therapy treatment and your wonderful positive attitude and encouraging way.
Boris & Ingrid Miller - Ohen Group Patient
I am 48 years old. When I was 19, I was involved in a serious car accident and amongst other things, I broke my foot. It turned out to be serious as the main artery leading to the talus was severed, resulting in the bone dying. When I got to the hospital, the emergency doctors wanted to amputate my foot, but with the help of an amazing orthopedic surgeon, my foot was saved and I have functioned quite well, but with a lot of pain and very limited movement. About 3 years ago, the wear and tear on my foot caused the bone to become brittle and break off, resulting in bits of bone getting caught in the joint. This caused my ankle to seize up and I was only able to walk on crutches with excruciating pain.
I went to see my orthopedic surgeon, who said that the best option would be to fuse the joint completely as there was bad degeneration that would only get worse. He ordered the part for my foot and told me to walk in a moon boot. Around the same time, I found out that Tracy did ozone therapy so decided to go and see her and try ozone as an alternative treatment.
She decided to bag my foot and administer IV ozone. The part for my foot kept on being delayed so I continued to go for weekly sessions to Tracy. After a couple of months of treatment, I was able to discard the moon boot and managed to walk normally without much pain. We were still waiting for the part to arrive so that I could go ahead with the fusing of my foot, but somehow there were so many delays. The more I went for ozone treatment, the stronger my foot seemed to get and eventually I decided not to fuse the joint.
I went to see the orthopedic surgeon, who did an x-ray and was extremely surprised to see that where there used to be bone rubbing against bone, there was now a distinct gap in my joint.
It is now almost 2 years down the line, and I have not had another incident where my ankle has seized up. I still do ozone sessions weekly and cannot imagine that I will ever stop. It has really been life changing!
Natalie - Holistically Yours Patient
To whom it may concern
I am suffering from the inherited decease called Adrenomyelonneuropathy with symptoms manifesting during my mid-forties. AMN patients generally have spinal cord dysfunction, which leads to symptoms that include loss of co-ordination, balance and general inability to walk longer distances without some measure of support.
My first experience with ozone treatment was approximately four years ago. I only had two treatments as an experiment to see if this treatment would have any affect on a common cold. Not only did the cold dissipate after the first treatment but I was amazed to find a substantial improvement in my balance and general ability to walk. I have just had my 10th treatment in a series and have a marked improvement immediately after each treatment. My general ability to walk longer distances without any means of support is improving and I have not used my cane since the second treatment. I am convinced that this treatment is the only contributing factor to how I feel and the improvement I experience. I am also convinced that one will have to consider the use of ozone as a lifestyle in order to maintain the level of improvement. This may not cure the decease but it certainly is life changing. I trust that this information will be of benefit to you and I trust that ozone treatment will improve your life.
Andre van der Walt - Ohen Group Patient
I am a 66 year old male. When I was 10 years old, I had my first severe asthma atack. In the middle of the night I was rushed to hospital, where I spent about 8 days. Since that time I was always aware of my lungs being very sensitive and prone to asthma attacks. When I applied for my first insurance policy as a young adult, I failed my lung function test. All subsequent lung tests gave me no hope. I just could not comply with the minimum requirement for healthy lungs. In 1996 I had only 40% lung function. I got used to the condition of my lungs and learned to manage the situation. I got used to wheezing, and to carefully watch out for any triggers that might cause serious illness.
About 5 years ago I started doing Ozone Therapy. I received weekly inhalations of ozone bubbled through olive oil.
Wheezing became less and less. In August 2014 I had to go in for surgery on my back. Because I was over 65 years of age I had to undergo a full medical examination. When I saw the Lung Function machine I was concerned. The result of the test was astonishing!! The Specialist pointed out small scars on my lungs which witnessed previous damage caused by asthma. The final report was that I had more than 90% lung capacity.
David - Ohen Group Patient
I would like to express my gratitude to you for the service you render through the ozone treatment.
I was diagnosed with HIV almost two years ago. I refused to take the ARVs which were recommended by my doctor as I do not have much faith in them. I decided to look for alternative treatments and was very pleased to find your practise. The ozone sessions I have had over the past four months have made a visible difference to my health and well-being. Most of the visible and embarrassing HIV symptoms have disappeared. I am very grateful for this improvement and will never look back.
Secondly, I have been touched by the passion you have for the work you do. Specifically, for me, you have been very understanding and extremely accommodative of my unique needs. Even when I changed the schedule at short notice, due to unforeseen circumstances, you were always flexible and willing to assist me. The additional advice and support you give on health matters is invaluable.
You have really touched my life and given me hope for a second chance in this life time. Your passion for the work you do sets you apart from other professionals – and has given me an example to emulate.
Keep on being who you are.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.
Grateful Patient - Ohen Group Patient
During the middle of September 2013 I’ve started with my treatment. The reason why I came to you for help is because I’m in construction and picked up a bacteria on site. This bacteria affected all my sweat glands in my right armpit. Long story short, the glands in my armpit including all my sweat glands were surgically removed because no antibiotics helped. More than a month later the bacteria affected my left armpit and my breast. Since I’ve started the ozone treatment none of these lumps have returned. I’ve been struggling with severe fatigue and water retention and I’m happy to say that this treatment has changed my life around. But the benefits of ozone stretch far beyond all expectations. I found a remarkable difference in my skin which is now so smooth and much more radiant. My hair loss minimized to barely any. The black pigmentation in my face from sun and hormones have clearly gone much lighter. These are only a few of the improvements I’ve experienced in the last four weeks of treatment. I’m truly thankful for all you have done. All the concern, time and effort you have given me. It is always nice that even though I have a “bad” day you keep up my spirit with a kind word of encouragement and a friendly smile.
Levinia - Ohen Group Patient
Izak Grove has become a very dear friend of mine, because he has been treating me since 2005. First with “Scio”, but lately with Ozone.
When I met him, I was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease, and was practically dying from it. But since then, my progression has completely stopped, and I could begin to live “normally”, and without pain! (Before, I constantly lived with pain).
Because of the damage caused by MND, I can no longer walk or talk, and have become wheelchair bound (my breathing is also very shallow). But because of the treatment, I’m able to exercise by walking between parallel bars (I’m no longer able to do any aerobic exercises, though). I see the Ozone treatment therefore, as my weekly “aerobics” in a syringe...
Thank you!
Ben Viljoen - Ohen Group Patient
Within a period of four years, my husband has had two back ops and a hip replacement. When he had pain, he used to take an inexpensive over the counter pain medication. Only after he developed severe colon problems, did we realize that it was due to the prolonged use of the pain medication.
According to the tests done by the specialist, he had an inflamed colon and had developed a stage two cancer tumor in his rectum. This resulted in severe bleeding. The doctor wanted to perform a colostomy on my husband and give him a stoma.
We were very fortunate to discover Ohen Group, and on the 17th of July 2014 my husband started with intensive Ozone therapy.
There was a dramatic improvement in his condition. The bleeding stopped almost immediately and within two weeks he was a different person. We will always be thankful that we discovered Ozone!
R.H. - Ohen Group Patient
I've just been to the doctor, her lungs are absolutely clear and there is only wheezing near the upper respiratory tract. So many people have chest infections from this virus that is currently going around and I can only put her good health (in spite of her asthma) down to the fact that I am treating her with ozone every day.
In addition, my other three children, my husband and I, who also caught the virus, didn't get chest infections or temperatures and didn't feel sick at all
Alex - Ohen Group Patient